Government Publishes Plan For...

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Government Publishes Plan For Dealing With Climate Change

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

03:31 17 Jun 2019

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It was published this afternoon.

The elimination of non-recyclable plastic, a focus on electric cars, and home retrofits are just some of the key elements of the government’s plan for dealing with climate change published this afternoon.

Carbon Taxes will go up - meaning more expensive coal, briquettes and fuel and soon you won’t be able to buy a car that runs off petrol or diesel. They’ll be phased out by 2030.

There’s going to be new taxes on single use plastics too and the government is going to make it more expensive to do business for companies who use plastics that are not easy to recycle.

It’s all part of measures to get people to move towards a climate friendly lifestyle. By 2030, the government aims to have 70% of electricity coming from renewable sources, almost 1 million electric cars on the road, and Ireland’s climate targets back on track. 

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