Calls For Common Sense When It...

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Calls For Common Sense When It Comes To Communion Pics


04:15 18 Apr 2019

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Concerns have been raised about First Communion pictures and GDPR!

communion (Source:

The Data Protection Commission says common sense should prevail when dealing with the issue of taking photos of other people's children.

It comes after reports of schools banning photography at events like communions and school plays because of potential issues with GDPR.

However the DPC says there is nothing under GDPR that prohibits the activity, including posting to social media.

Spokesperson Graham Doyle says people just need be sensible about it:

"If there was a photograph taken, uploaded to social media, and there are other children potentially identified in the background - if a parent had an issue with that...common courtesy and common sense would say you should remove it, if somebody else has an issue with it."

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Communion Data Protection Commission GDPR