Almost 8 in 10 Irish people ar...

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Almost 8 in 10 Irish people are against the idea of 16 year-olds being allowed to drive

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

01:11 16 Nov 2023

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man driving car Image via Pixabay

77% of Irish people are against 16 year-olds getting behind the wheel.

A new survey from Peopl insurance found the vast majority of adults disagree with a new EU proposal to allow 16 year-olds to drive with speed limiter devices.

The plan would be to limit the car's speed to a maximum of 45 kilometres per hour.

Newstalk reports, the survey was carried out due to the increase in deaths on Irish roads.

Although, majority of people said 16 was too young to drive, 23% said reducing the age would give young people a sense of independence.

Paul Walsh, CEO of Peopl insurance described the proposal as controversial.

He said that the proposal has led to concerns that 16 year old drivers "would simply add to the dangers on Irish roads."

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