It comes as it's the first time large group Christmas celebrations have taken place since before the pandemic
We've been deprived of a big Christmas party for over two years - but don't go too rogue!
Businesses are being advised to remind their workforce of their company policies ahead of their Christmas parties.
Under employment law, rules around inappropriate behavior and discrimination apply to all functions organized by the company.
As it's the first time large group Christmas celebrations can take place since before the pandemic, you may be inclined to let loose but you may not want to go too far.
Síobra Rush is an employment law solicitor and says Christmas parties are subject to company policies, even though they take place outside of normal work hours.
Síobra adds that it is a good idea for employers to remind their staff about their policies in advance of their Christmas party.
"From a health and safety perspective and from a discrimination perspective to remind employees to have a good time but also it's a work-related event."
But a career consultant, Lynda Barry says staff should make an effort to go to their office Christmas party, especially in the current remote and hybrid-working environment.