An etiquette expert has highli...


An etiquette expert has highlighted the unwritten rules of flying

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

03:41 29 May 2023

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There's a lot of unwritten rules in life like, offering your seat to an elderly person on public transport.

But one etiquette expert has explained there's quite a few unwritten rules when taking a trip up in the air.

Some of these include, not blocking the aisle or wearing pyjamas.

Jackie Vernon-Thompson, who runs From the Inside-Out School of Etiquette in the US, says you shouldn't attempt to put your hand luggage in the overhead storage while others are still boarding.

She adds that you should never extend your legs into the aisle to give yourself more leg room.

She also advises against asking other passengers to swap seats or wearing your pyjamas, even if you're taking an overnight flight.

Jackie from Sunrise, Floride, US says, "There are quite a few etiquette protocols that should be adhered to on a plane because we are confined in a small space.

"It's very important because you're likely sharing the space with a couple of hundred people."

"Spreading your legs out like that is a non-negotiable," said Jackie.

"There are seats with extra leg room you can pay for - if you need that, purchase a ticket for extra leg room.

"If you need to stretch your legs, take a walk - but you paid for your seat, not the aisle."

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