Study reveals toddlers spendin...


Study reveals toddlers spending alarming amount of time using screens

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

04:50 27 Nov 2019

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Toddlers are spending an average of 150 minutes per day on screens.

A new study on toddlers and young children has shown that screen habits are now formed in the very early stages of a persons life.

The data from the US National Institute of Health also shows toddlers are now getting an astronomical amount of screen time as opposed to previous generations.

It states that the average amount of time spent using a television, computer or mobile device for an infant aged 12-months-old is as high as 53-minutes a day.

While the same statistic for a toddler aged three-years-old increases to 150 minutes, daily.

The study also shows that children of first-time mothers and children who were home schooled were found to have the most excessive screen use by the age of 8.

Boys and twins were reportedly more likely to use screen excessively than girls and single-born children, respectively.

87% exceeding recommended limits.

For the study, nearly 4,000 mothers were asked about their children's screen usage.

The questions covered key stages of a each child's development at 12, 18, 24, 30 and 36 months of age.

The interviewers also recorded data in later stages, asking similar questions when the children were 7 and 8 years old.

And it was found that 87 percent of the children analysed had daily screen times exceeding the recommended limits.

If  you are concerned by this issue or would like more information, The AAP has an interactive tool to create a personalised media use plan for families.

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