Survey finds 63 percent of cou...


Survey finds 63 percent of couples say sleep has caused 'tensions' in their relationship

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

10:59 12 Jul 2023

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A new survey has found women are getting more sleep than men.

Women get an average of 8 hours a night, compared to 7 hours by men.

Two-thirds of men said they needed less sleep than their female partners, and they tended to get up earlier.

The survey of 2-thousand adults found 63 per cent of couples said sleep had caused 'tensions' in their relationship, with one in 10 having separate bedrooms.

A spokesperson for, Naturecan who conducted the survey said:

"We all know how crucial good sleep is to our overall well-being."

"These results show that we are sleeping less, particularly during these hot summer months, and many couples have completely different sleep patterns."

"Sleep imbalances can cause big problems in a relationship because intimacy inevitably suffers when we are not in bed together."


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