Survey shows two thirds of peo...


Survey shows two thirds of people WFH wouldn't recognise their co-workers

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

02:30 14 Oct 2021

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Between masks and zoom calls, we're not surprised!

As Covid-19 restrictions have been easing, many of us have returned to the office/work in some capacity.

But some people have yet to return, and may not fully for another while.

Remote working means that people haven't seen their co-workers in well over a year, while others are yet to meet at all!

Now some may enjoy this, but it does mean that you could be back and forth emailing someone yet pass by them on the street without realising.

And a survey shows this is actually the case for many.

Work from home

A study by OnePoll of 2,000 Americans revealed that "two-thirds said they work directly with someone who they wouldn’t be able to pick out of a lineup and recognizse by name only."

The study also found that seven in 10 employees said they're feeling more isolated, compared to being in the office.

And how are people feeling about getting back meeting each other?

16% of people believe sudden in-office gatherings wouldn’t be awkward.

With 82% of respondents who would find it uncomfortable saying they avoid attending things for exactly that reason.

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