Do you love your flicks?
Making a living - we all have to do it... unless you're that €19m lotto winner from last week.
But for the rest of us, we've to find something to do so we get paid so we can eat, pay bills, etc etc.
And we've found a job of dreams for someone who loves sitting down to watch movies. is looking for someone to watch movies and review them for the website.
For the job, you'll earn $50 per hour, as well as getting a snack allowance of $200 a month
You'll also have your travel expenses covered – to travel to movie theatres and special events.
According to the website, the perfect candidate will need to:
- Be a movie fan!
- Prove that they have a good grasp of the written English language and be able to produce movie reviews of at least 500-1000 words
- Have a strong Internet connection and a device to watch films
- Have access to their own transportation and be able to travel to movie theatres and potentially exclusive special events
- Commit to watching one to three new releases a week depending on release schedules, as well as three straight-to-streaming releases
- Be over the age of 21
To become their movie reviewer, you've to fill in the application form here.
The form has questions relating to your movie habits and why you'd be a good fit.
They say they want someone who can bring a "fresh perspective" and write about topics "‘real’ people want to hear about."