It's National Ice Cream Day -...


It's National Ice Cream Day - how many of these Ice Creams have you tried?

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

10:20 18 Jul 2021

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It's National Ice Cream Day!!

And to celebrate, we've created a list of different types of ice creams to find out who is the ice cream champion.

All you have to do is go through the list and count each ice cream you've had.

So, here we go... are you an ice cream expert or do you've a long way to go??

  1. Wibbly Wobbly Wonder
  2. Calippo
  3. Twister
  4. Loop the Loop
  5. Iceberger
  6. Brunch
  7. Cornetto
  8. Solero
  9. Super Split
  10. Choc Ice
  11. Mr Freeze
  12. Good ole 99
  13. Magnum
  14. Ben & Jerry's
  15. Haagen-Dazs
  16. Zoom
  17. That-a-way
  18. Maxi Twist
  19. Fruit Pastilles lollies
  20. Freaky Foot
  21. Fat Frog
  22. Chilly Willy
  23. Mini Milk
  24. Dracula
  25. Sparkles

We think we've rounded up as many as we could here.

Did you have to google many?

Feel free to let us know if we've forgotten any.

Get counting!

Also, we've found out which ice cream you think is best:

Twister and Iceberger were crowned joint winners!

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Best Ice Cream Ireland