High tree pollen levels are expected over the next 24 hours- spelling bad news for people with hay fever.
Met Éireann says there are high and moderate levels of pollen across the country, particularly from birch and ash trees.
Most hay fever sufferers will experience sneezing, a runny nose, and itchy eyes.
But there could be more severe symptoms for the estimated 300,000 people in Ireland who have both hay fever and asthma.
Ruth Morrow, respiratory nurse specialist with the Asthma Society of Ireland, says sufferers should be careful washing clothes:
"You can dry them outside but give them a good shake before you bring them in and if you put your sheets out on the line and your pillow cases, don't but them directly on the bed when you bring them inside."
"It's like what our grannies used to tell us - make sure you put them in the hot press and air them before you put them on the bed."