Here's some self-care tips to...


Here's some self-care tips to celebrate International Day of Happiness

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

01:43 20 Mar 2022

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We could all use a boost every now and then.

Today is International Day of Happiness, and the UN is encouraging people around the world to perform acts of compassion for those who need it.

They're encouraging donations to countries around the world that are experiencing crisis, including Ukraine, Yemen and Gaza.

If not donations, the day calls for sharing positive messages and connecting with people who may need support.

It's also a day to encourage us all to do little things to look after ourselves more.

(Photo: Pixabay)

We've got some tips from, and we've added in a few ourselves from what makes us happy.

Stop comparing yourself to others

When you look around at your friends, family and co-workers, you might start to worry that you're falling behind.

Whether someone has gotten a job promotion, is buying a house or simply just seems happier than you, it's best not to let it weigh on your mind.

Try to take a step back, realise that everyone goes at their own pace and just be happy for loved ones in that moment.

Exercise/get outside more

Just go outside, and walk or cycle - whatever.

We guarantee even 10 minutes of fresh air and stretching the legs will do you wonders.


Give someone a compliment

Or even a small chocolate bar - doing something small to make someone else smile will bounce right back to you.

See friends/family

If you've been holed up in your room, or home office, for a while, you might start to feel down.

Go find someone to talk to, a housemate, friend or pick up the phone and give your parents a call.


Close your social media apps for a while, mute the group chat, and just go device-free for a while.

If you're looking for more tips on how to feel better, head over to iRadio's Better You page.

If you feel you need extra help or support there are plenty of resources on, Mental Health Ireland, Pieta and more.

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