People with flashy cars are mo...


People with flashy cars are more likely to be impatient on the road

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

03:31 2 Mar 2020

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Yes, someone actually did research on this.

A new study has revealed that drivers of flashy, expensive cars are less impatient on the road.

The research, reported on UNILad, suggests that those who have the more high-end vehicles are less likely to stop and allow pedestrians to cross the road. It showed that the likelihood of them slowing down decreased by 3% for every $1,000 their car is worth.

The research by the University of Nevada found that people with flashier cars "felt a sense of superiority over other road users".

It continued:

"Disengagement and a lower ability to interpret thoughts and feelings of others along with feelings of entitlement and narcissism may lead to a lack of empathy for pedestrians’ among costly car owners".

There are other studies backing these findings up too.

Research in Finland found that men who owned expensive vehicles were more likely to be "argumentative, stubborn, disagreeable and unempathetic".

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