Almost half of couples say the...


Almost half of couples say they pee in front of each other

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

03:17 25 May 2020

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And 57% of them said that it actually improved their relationship.

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Almost half of couples say they pee in front of each other. A new study has looked into the bathroom behaviours of partners across Europe and the United States.

Researchers at QS Supplies did up a list of the top 20 "gross" bathroom behaviours couples do. The list included activities like picking their partner's nose, trimming their public hair and even wiping their bum (!).

They then asked 1,000 people about what ones they did in front of their other half. Almost nine in ten people said they or their partner had been guilty of at least one of the "gross" behaviours on the list but the average was around five.

Almost half of the respondents said they or their other half had peed in front of each other or had talked about their bowel movements at some point in their relationship.

The next most common practices were sniffing each other to see if they smell bad and using their partner's deodorant.

Here's the list in full:

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Researchers also looked at whether these behaviours were beneficial in the relationship. They found that these kinds of practices could actually strengthen the bond between two people. 72% of men and 60% of women believed that these behaviours helped their relationship.

Almost two-thirds thought that grooming the body hair of their other half made their bond stronger while 57% said that peeing in front of their partner improved the relationship.

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