Sisters make €15 an hour decor...


Sisters make €15 an hour decorating other people's Christmas trees

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

06:02 16 Dec 2019

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Veronika Gentile. Source: Instagram.

We're all over this next year!

Sometimes you just come across an idea that seems so painfully simple and you did I not come up with that?!

This is one of those.

The majority of us love putting up a Christmas tree, but a lot of people simply can't find the time to decorate it.

Enter Veronika Gentile and her sister Giovanna Avati.

The siblings, who live in Melbourne, are charging €15 an hour to decorate other people's Christmas trees and had made €258 December 1 even arrived.

Speaking to MailOnline, Veronika said: "I started getting a lot of attention from friends, they loved my ornaments, and one of them even asked if I would set up their tree for them."

Fair play, an absolutely brilliant idea.

So what constitutes the perfect tree according to the experts?

Apparently tinsel is to be avoided at all costs.

Veronika also stresses: "For my own tree I place my ornament, stand back and figure out if it works in that space. I do the same thing for other people.

''At the moment we've only used what people provide us. They tend to leave us a box of things and we get to work."

Veronika and Gionvanna have enjoyed spreading festive cheer this year and bringing home a little extra cash.

The stay-at-home mums will look to expand the idea next year and say they might even create a Facebook page for people to place orders if they're interested.

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