Christmas shopping tips for a...


Christmas shopping tips for a stress-free experience

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

02:52 13 Nov 2019

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Time to get a move on!

This day six weeks is Christmas Day.


Don't be that person who's left running around the shops like a headless chicken on Christmas Eve. Get a head start on your Christmas shop and feel all the better for it come December 25th. Here are five festive shopping tips to help guarantee a stress-free experience:

Plan your presents

It's not a good idea to go in there completely blind-sighted. Take a bit of time the evening beforehand to make your list of who you're buying for and a rough outline of what they might like under the Christmas tree this year. Then, you'll be a lot more focused and productive when you do hit the shops.

Make a budget

You know that sinking feeling when you realise you're completely strapped for cash in January? Lessen that burden by working out exactly how much you're going to spend on your presents and most importantly, stick to it. Avoid putting impulse purchases on a credit card that you know you won’t be able to pay for a long time. You'll be grateful of it later.

Go early

The shops are going to be mayhem this time of year so it's always wise to get out of the cot that few minutes earlier to hit them when it's a bit quieter. Chances are, there's a wider variety of choice available in the morning time and you'll be in a better frame of mind to get things done.

Shop by yourself

If you shop alone, you're more likely to stick to your budget and get everything you need in record time. While a shopping partner in crime comes in handy when you're browsing the stores for Christmas party outfits, they can distract you from your plans. Instead, promise to meet someone after your shopping's done for a coffee or festive lunch. Win-win!

Look out for deals

It may be the most popular shopping season but the shops are still doing very decent deals over the next few weeks. There's Black Friday and Cyber Monday still to come while local shopping centres are also hosting festive events which can save you a good few bob.

Speaking of deals...

The Bridge Shopping Centre in Tullamore is holding their Fashion, Fun and Frolics event on Friday 15th November from 4:30pm - 7:30pm. Expect lots of prize giveaways, fashion shows, hair and makeup demos and fun for all the family on the day. Find out more over on their website and make sure to enter our comp to win €200 to spend there on iRadio's Facebook page!

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