Belgium approves 4 day work we...


Belgium approves 4 day work week and employees can ignore work-related messages out of hours

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

12:18 19 Feb 2022

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Surely this is the dream?

Everyone loves when a bank holiday comes along and gives us a three-day weekend.

But what if that could be every weekend??

It's been talked about before  - the 4 day work week.

And now one European country has jumped on it and has approved a four day work week.

On Tuesday, Belgium announced a number of labour market reforms, including giving workers the chance to choose a four-day week.

(Photo: pixabay)

But it gets better...

Does it ever bug you to have clocked out of work, or taken a day off, and you're still getting out of hours messages from your boss?

Well, that's another thing Belgium have decided to get rid of, according to

The reform package agreed by the country's multi-party coalition government will also give workers the right to turn off work devices and ignore work-related messages after hours without fear of reprisal.

Musicians and performers will also receive stronger legal protections under the new rules.

While full-time employees will be able to work flexible schedules on demand.

Putting all these reforms into law could take months, but worth the wait we reckon?

Euronews report the draft legislation must pass multiple readings by federal lawmakers before being enacted.

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