Baby boom predicted in nine mo...


Baby boom predicted in nine months due to Covid-19 isolation

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

10:15 1 Apr 2020

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It's predicted a baby boom similar to the one after WW2 could take place.

It's expected that there will be a baby boom in 9 months time, as people around the world isolate at home to stop the spread of Covid-19.

The most infamous baby boom to date was after World War II, when the population sky rocketed as the world settled back into normal life - hence the generational term baby boomer.

And now amid the current coronavirus pandemic, it's likely we'll see the same trend with a surge of babies born in December and January.

Director of midwifery at the National Maternity Hospital Mary Brosnan has predicted a surge in births.

Speaking to the Sunday Independent, Ms Brosnan said: "We have joked a lot in the hospital about being very busy in December because we do expect to see an impact. We have never, ever had a lockdown like this and I think, definitely, it will encourage women and families to have more babies.

"It's bringing people closer together and it is likely that it will make people reconsider what's important in life. It has made people realise the importance of family and community.''

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