JK Rowling has launched 'Harry...

Kids Corner

JK Rowling has launched 'Harry Potter' classes during self-isolation

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

12:26 2 Apr 2020

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JUST what we needed!

Good news for Harry Potter fans.

JK Rowling is ready to save you from the endless boredom associated with self-isolation.

The author has launched Harry Potter online classes to help keep the kids (and HP-obsessed adults) busy.

'Harry Potter at Home' is an online hub with wizard-themed activities and resources for kids to keep occupied while they're off school during the Coronavirus pandemic. It has craft videos, fun articles, interactive quizzes, puzzles and more.

JK Rowling tweeted the news about the new hub yesterday saying:

"Parents, teachers and carers working to keep children amused and interested while we’re on lockdown might need a bit of magic, so I’m delighted to launch"

You can navigate your way around the hub now via this link.


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