Are you guilty of it?

Nearly half of Irish workers have admitted to 'pulling a sickie'.
A new survey of over 400 workers shows that more than 49 percent of people take at least one bogus sick day every year.
The Matrix Recruitment study shows hangovers were the main reason in 24 percent of cases. It also showed rgar 89 percent of us go into work when we're not fit to do so, while half admit we'd feel guilty if we took a sick day.
Today is also the most common day of the year to call in sick. According to The Sun, the first Monday in February is traditionally the day when the greatest amount of UK employees take the day off work.
There are a number of reasons why this a popular day to take off. They include it falling after Super Bowl Sunday, the first weekend after Dry January and the first post-Christmas pay day.
Employment Law Experts (ELAS) in the UK say these were some of the worst excuses for missing work in 2016:
- “My only pair of work trousers is in the wash”
- “It’s my dog’s birthday and I need to arrange a party for him”
- “The dog ate my shoes”
- “I got arrested”
- “I stayed out partying last night and haven’t had any sleep”
- “My friend is on annual leave so I can’t get a lift”
- “I have no way to get to work”
- “My wife earns more than me so I have to look after the kids”