Woman drives for 20 minutes wi...


Woman drives for 20 minutes with MASSIVE spider over her head...

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

04:07 22 Nov 2017

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...and it happened TWICE!

According to Metro, an Australian woman drove for 20 minutes with an eight-legged spider just over her head.

Bianca Merrick said ‘I couldn’t believe the same thing happened twice. After I couldn’t find it the morning after it appeared the first time, I was super confident it was no longer in the car and had got out.'

She later witnessed the spider a second time when she parked up.

She went on to say 'I could see how hairy it was. It was as big as my hand. I’m a bit worried it could have left a nest before we got rid of it – maybe I’ll have to think about selling my car.’



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