This Feature Massively Influen...


This Feature Massively Influences How Attractive You Are, According To Experts


02:29 15 Jun 2018

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Shakira said it...

The hips don’t lie!

Evolutionary psychologists at the University of Portsmouth in the UK have recently been looking at how a woman’s body shape and movement affects how attractive others find them.

And their interesting findings suggest that attractiveness is judged by how a person moves their body, just as much as its judged by shape and size.

It ain’t what you got, it’s the way that you use it... so to speak.

The new study published in the journal Visual Cognition, found that the most attractive walks usually involve a slight wiggle in the hips and short steps.

“A combination of small waist, rounded hips and bottom, and a slim figure have long been reported to be important in women’s attractiveness, but it turns out the way a woman moves is as important,” lead author Dr Ed Morrison explained in a statement.

“Most previous research into what makes a body attractive has relied on photographs, but in real life we usually see a potential mate moving. Motion is also crucial in courtship behaviors like dancing.”

“Research shows that we are more likely to find a woman attractive if she wiggles her hips and takes small steps."

There you go... It's all in the wiggle!

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Hips Walking