There's an actual petition to...


There's an actual petition to have Ireland rejoin the UK


10:00 4 Feb 2019

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And some people have legitimately signed it...

In the strange world of Brexit headlines, this may well be one of the strangest things we've seen so far...

A man by the name of Scott Packer has gone and created a petition which offers the Republic of Ireland full membership to the United Kingdom...


The main reason being so the pesky border issue can be put to bed, allowing a quick easy getaway from the EU for the UK.

The petition states:

"The RoI left our Union in 1922 after 121 years of being part of the family.

"We should now ask them to reconsider their position within both the UK & EU as a way of solving the current impasse over the Irish border issue that is holding up the Withdrawal Agreement.

"Britain & Ireland stronger together."

Where to even begin...

Bizarrely the petition had over 1,900 signatures at the time of writing...

Surely people just signing it for a laugh...right? We certainly hope so.

You can view the petition, which is searching for 10,000 signatures in order for the UK parliament to take official notice, here.

Either way, even it it does get 10,000 signatures, fairly sure it'll be a 'thanks, but no thanks' answer from us.

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