Study finds money can't buy yo...


Study finds money can't buy you happiness

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

08:29 8 Jun 2018

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We'd all love a bit of extra cash - it would solve all our problems. But would it make us happy?!

Well, according to new research - the answer is no!


A study published by the American Psychological Association looked at how our income is associated with how we experience happiness.

Researchers surveyed 1,519 people. They were asked about how much they earn, and then asked a series of questions designed to measure how often they experienced seven distinct positive emotions.

Amusement, awe, compassion, contentment, enthusiasm, love and pride are considered the emotions that make up the core of happiness.

Researchers found people with lower incomes experience more positive emotions focused on others, while people with higher incomes tend to experience more positive emotions focused on themselves.

Lead author Paul Piff of the University of California said:

"These findings indicate that wealth is not unequivocally associated with happiness. What seems to be the case is that your wealth predisposes you to different kinds of happiness."

"While wealthier individuals may find greater positivity in their accomplishments, status and individual achievements, less wealthy individuals seem to find more positivity and happiness in their relationships, their ability to care for and connect with others."


So, basically - people who earn less delight in their friends and relationships, while wealthier people delight in themselves.

We know which one we prefer!

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