Slow computer? This is the mai...


Slow computer? This is the main cause and it's gross

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

03:23 26 Feb 2018

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There's nothing more annoying than your computer slowing down.

There's many reasons for this - not clearing your cookies or cache, not emptying the recycle bin and not deleting old files and programmes.


But the main reason for your computer losing speed has been revealed and it's pretty disgusting.  Your own dead skin!

Yes. Dust, which is mainly dead human skin, is the top offender for slowing down your computer according to The Geek Squad.


Speaking to ABC Action News, the US electronics and technology store says:

"A lot of dust, food and other junk builds up in your computer and especially your fans inside your computer. Those are what keeps your computer cool and keeps it speedy.”

So, what can you do to improve the speed of your computer? The Geek Squad says you should give your computer a deep clean every six months.

That involves using cans of compressed airs to blow out all the dirt inside your computer and keyboard.

Sounds like a lot of effort though! Can we not just shake the dirt out?!

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