SHUDDER: These counties are th...


SHUDDER: These counties are the most ant-infested in Ireland

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

02:39 9 May 2018

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Rentokil, Ireland's leading pest control company, has revealed that Dublin is the most ant-infested county in Ireland.

They say that 29% of all any callouts are in the capital, with county Kerry falling seocnd at 25%.

Cork - 10%

Kildare - 7%

Galway - 5%

Tipperary - 4%

Wicklow - 4%

Waterford - 4%

Westmeath - 3%

Roscommon - 3%

Technical Manager at Rentokil, Dr. Colm Moore, has the following tips for reducing ant infestations in your home:

Clear up - food and liquid spillages immediately.

Sweep up - any food crumbs from under your kitchen appliances and units.

Store your food - in airtight containers wherever possible.

If you have a pet - clear away any food that isn’t eaten straight away.

Block off - the entry points for ants by sealing all cracks and crevices around your doors and window frames.

In the garden - keep your compost enclosed and make sure all rubbish bins have tightly sealed lids, particularly your recycling bins.’’

He also busted the follow three ant myths:

Boiling water does not get rid of ants.This only provides a temporary solution as the main nest is usually too deep for such a remedy to work effectively.

Vinegar doesn’t kill ants. However, it can remove the trace of ant trails to confuse ants about where to go to find the rest of their colony.

Feeding ants grains will not cause them to explode. Ants don’t eat solid food, so while they may carry grains of rice or wheat back to their colony, ants will not explode by eating them.

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Ants Infestation