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Sh*t's gonna go down - Love Island lie detector test returns tonight

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

03:23 23 Jul 2018

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It’s the moment the girls have been relishing, and the boys have been dreading…the return of the Love Island lie detector test.

As the Islanders settle down for another day in the villa, their harmony is disturbed by the arrival of an ominous text:

Islanders, it’s the moment of truth. Boys, you will all take a lie detector test. Girls, you will ask the questions. #thetruthwillout #honestyisthebestpolicy

The girls immediately set about putting pen to paper as they determine what they want to ask the boys, aware that in this instance there really is no escape from the truth.

Original Laura is thrilled at the prospect, telling the Beach Hut:

“The lie detector test is what every girl dreams of and what every guy dreads.”

She does however admit that she’s feeling anxious about what results the lie detector may have in store:

“This is going to be so intense and awkward. I don’t know why I’m smiling because I’ll probably be crying by the end of it, standard.”

Having put any doubts about Jack’s past behaviour to the back of her mind, Dani is also hoping that the test doesn’t throw any last minute spanners into the works:

‘I want him to pass it with flying colours. We’ve been in here with each other from the beginning. So of course I don’t want him to let me down. I absolutely love the kid, so it would kill me, so I’m hoping for the best from Jack, I really am.”

Meanwhile, there’s a tense atmosphere meanwhile amongst the boys as they speculate on the impending tests.

In the Beach Hut, New Jack admits:

“It’s about to go down. Deep down we’re like ‘this has the potential to absolutely go catastrophically terrible’.”

Josh echoes similar sentiments:

“Absolutely the most nerve wracking thing I’ve ever done because the stakes are so high.”

As each boy enters the hideaway one by one for the moment of truth, whose lies are about to catch up with them?


With the girls in control of what questions they want to ask the boys, Megan is pulling no punches as she sets about getting to answers to some crucial questions….

As she prepares her questions with the other girls, Megan admits this will finally give her a chance to fully trust Wes:

“Some of these questions I’ve asked Wes two or three times in bed and he’s given the same answer every time but now I actually know for a fact.”

Waiting for Wes to take his place in the hot seat, Megan tells the Beach Hut that she’s clueless as to how the tests will pan out:

“It could go one of two ways. It could really knock my confidence more and I’m trying to be positive and trying to trust someone finally after I’ve been hurt in the past, or it’s just going to prove me right and be like ‘see, all men are the same.”

With Wes’ tests underway, the other Islanders are shocked at how tough Megan’s questions are.

Undeterred, she admits:

“It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity to get him hooked up to a lie detector, I’m not messing around.”

Megan’s questions include:

Do you think you’ll struggle to stay faithful to Megan with all the attention you’ll get on the outside?
Do you think Megan is wife material?
Are you embarrassed to take Megan home to your parents?

On the latter, Megan admits she is insecure about what Wes’ parents may think of her past endeavours, telling the Beach Hut:

“It’s like ‘are you embarrassed of my past?’ and ‘do you want me to meet your parents?’ all in one. If I was someone’s mum, I would want them to bring back sensible Sally that’s never got her t**s out for a living.”


As if the lie detector tests weren’t tense enough, things are made all the more awkward for new Jack when he realises that his original flame, old Laura, will be asking the questions.

New Laura immediately senses the unease that lies ahead:

“I didn’t realise that Laura was going to be asking Jack the questions. The first thing that was going through my mind was ‘Laura, you idiot.’ I literally was just melting into the floor. How could you put the poor boy through this?

Relishing her role as question master, old Laura jokes to Jack:

“Are you happy I’m doing your questions?”

Through gritted teeth, Jack responds:

“Someone’s got to do it, might as well be you.”

As the questions then get underway, there’s immediate awkwardness when Laura asks:

“Do you still have feelings for old Laura?”

Without hesitation, Jack replies “No.”

This prompts Laura to mutter under her breath:

“Did you ever?”

Laura’s sass sparks gasps all round from the remaining Islanders, all of whom are observing from the lounge area.

Later in the Beach Hut, he vents:

“I thought that was a bit of a low blow but whatever.”

There is yet more discomfort when Laura asks:

“Is new Laura a better kisser than old Laura?”

Staying loyal to his current squeeze, Jack insists “yes.”

Defensively however he turns to old Laura and asserts:

“I’m not saying you’re not a good kisser.”

Laura then flippantly remarks:

“This isn’t about me, this is about you.”

When the lie detector does then reveal Jack to be lying on one of his answers, Laura can’t resist another dig, muttering:

“It’s fine. You’re young. You don’t know what you want.”

The Lie Detector does finally reveal the outcome to one of the villa’s longest running mysteries – was Jack telling the truth about the Georgia kiss?

Without hesitation, Jack insists “yes.”

Is Laura at last about to hear the truth?


Laura sees the lie detector test as a chance to ascertain Paul’s suitability for a long-term relationship, having already faced heartache and rejection from Wes and new Jack.

Talking in the Beach Hut, Laura insists she’s hoping that the tests don’t throw up any nasty surprises:

“I just feel like I’ve finally met a boy that I don’t have much drama with and now they’ve got a lie detector. I just hope that he passes the main ones that mean a lot to me because we’re at the end now, I’m here to meet someone that I could be with on the outside, if that’s not going to happen then what’s the point?”

However, with Paul’s tests underway, Laura watches on in trepidation as Paul faces her tough questions, which include:

Would you be loyal to Laura on the outside?
Are you genuinely attracted to Laura?
Is Laura a better kisser than Britney Spears?

Explaining her reasoning behind going so in depth, Laura reveals:

“When you’ve had people kind of dump you, then you feel not that attractive. It would just be nice to feel somebody really wanted me in that sense.”

As the situation becomes more and more uncomfortable, the disappointment on Laura’s face is clear to see.

“The only reason I get upset is because I just don’t want to be embarrassed anymore. I want Paul to like me for who I am, fancy me, want to be with me, and not fob me off after three weeks. It’s just a recurring cycle of crap.”

With some of the answers not working in Laura’s favour, is she beginning to regret her line of questioning?


They have survived seven weeks in the villa as the island’s longest standing couple, but is Jack about to come a cropper courtesy of some difficult questions from Dani?

For Dani, she has one main agenda – discovering whether Jack is a trustworthy boyfriend.

She tells the Beach Hut:

“I’ve been cheated on, I’ve been lied to. I’ve had it all. It doesn’t bring a nice side out in me. Loyalty, it means so much to me.”

Jack braces himself as Dani’s questions are relayed one by one:

Have you fancied any other girls except for Dani in the villa?
Do you wish Dani was sexier?
Do you feel like you settled too quickly with Dani?
Did you couple up with Dani because you knew who her dad was?
Are you in live with Dani?
Could you be tempted by other girls outside of the villa?
Are you in love with Dani?

In the aftermath of the tests though, there appears to be an underlying tension between Jack and Dani, which comes to a head when she asks to speak to him by the fire pit.

Relaying her concerns about some of Jack’s answers, Jack hits back, insisting:

“It’s just annoying me that you’re now talking about all the negative ones.”

But Dani isn’t in the mood for forgiveness, declaring:

“Any girl in the world if they’ve got that question and their boyfriend got it wrong they would be upset.”

Can Dani and Jack overcome one last relationship test?


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