Samira explains her shock exit...


Samira explains her shock exit from the Villa


10:05 12 Jul 2018

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Source: Digital Spy

Love island star Samira sent shock waves through the competition after dramatically quitting the show.

Samira has explained her shock exit from the Love Island Villa...

In an interview, she tells the other islanders: “I woke up this morning and thought, It's my time to go… I have to do this for me. I've never felt so strong.”

Here's the entire interview:

How do you feel about leaving the villa?

I feel very confident and very proud of myself. I feel like it was the right time for me to leave. I’m obviously devastated to be leaving my best friends but this is the perfect time. I’ve found what I wanted to find and it was Frankie so I’m going to go and get him. I do see a future with Frankie, I’ve never met anyone like him before. He is gorgeous and we did have a genuine connection. I wouldn’t change anything about my time in the villa, I have no regrets.

You said you’re leaving to follow your heart - how do you feel about seeing Frankie?

I am really excited and also really nervous. All we know is our villa relationship so I’m really excited to see how it’ll work on the outside world and if we are compatible and do like each other as much as we said. I’m a bit nervous but mostly excited. Just before he left he said ‘see you in three weeks, see you soon’ and he said to a few of the boys that he was going to wait for me so it feels positive at the moment and good.

You were in the villa from the start of the show - who did you click with the most in there?

I clicked with everyone. Everyone was my best friend! But I’d say Dani, she is the best, most amazing girl. She always kept me positive.

I love Megan so much, we got really close and what she has with Wes is very genuine. I also got on really well with Wes too.

Georgia is super confident and bubbly and that’s exactly what she’s always like. I love her, we got really close and I did feel for her with everything she went through with Josh but she is happy with Sam now. I love that girl.

We saw you couple up with Dr Alex at the beginning and form a very close friendship - what are your hopes for him now?

Alex is so unique. He is his own self, he has never changed and he needs a girl to come in for him and not have eyes for anyone else. I just hope that Alex finds love because he has waited long enough.

I really like Alexandra, she does seem really nice. And she was genuine about her feelings for Alex when she came in. He really makes her laugh and crack up. There are other single guys in there and they want to take her out… It’s all up to Alexandra, she has the power.

What is your take on villa life?

Villa life is a roller coaster. It is absolutely amazing, I walked around pinching myself that I was there. You go through ups and downs but mostly ups because you’re there with amazing people. You are meeting boys and girls and making friends. It is very intense but your emotions and feelings in there are all real. You completely forget about the cameras. You are so immersed in everyone else.

What was your standout memory from your time in the villa?

I loved the Ministry of Sound party night. I also really enjoyed the stripping dance off challenge. I loved my outfit, my silver thigh high boots! It was nerve-wracking but so fun. The challenges were also amazing and finally meeting Frankie, that was a big milestone for me in the villa.

Who do you think could be engaged by this time next year?

Definitely Dani and Jack. 100 per cent. They are going to get married, have kids and all of that. They are amazing together. And maybe Josh and Kaz, they are very close.

Who would you say has what it takes to win the show?

Dani and Jack because they have had such a journey from the start. They were coupled up on day one, then she had a little dip where she wasn’t sure how she felt about him. Then Hayley said she fancied Jack and then Jack tried to get a reaction out of Dani by speaking to Hayley. That was ages ago now, I’m even having to jog my memory! They are like magnets to each other now. I love them and I know they really love each other.

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