People are sharing their famil...


People are sharing their family Whats App group chats and they are excellent

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

04:07 5 Sep 2018

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The randomness, the palpable bitchiness (at times), the dodgy emojis from Dad and the occasional lovliness: all of these tend to make up the content in family Whats App groups.

You can't deny the greatness of these groups - it's never been easier to stay in touch when families can be spread all across the world.

The FOMO of missing reunions, birthdays and anniversaries can be immense, and the instantaneous nature of these chats are invaluable.

But, with several generations in one chat, comedic moments are rife.

Twitter users have been sharing some of the stand out funny moments from their family Whats App groups... have a look for yourself:

Like this Dad, who likes to write into the group from the perspective of the family dog:

Like this witty daughter:

Like this Dad, who reminds us how hard it is to remember everything, always...

Like this family who, (rightly), prioritise the dog:

Yeah okay, and like this family who prioritise their cats:

Like this Auntie, who realises we completely understand the language of emojis


And this... Oh dear:

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Family Whats App