Obsessed with selfies? New stu...


Obsessed with selfies? New study suggests you may be suffering from 'selfitis'

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

11:39 15 Dec 2017

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An extensive study into selfie culture has produced some interesting results.

The American Psychiatric Association say they have enough evidence to classify a 'selfie obsession,' as an actual medical disorder.

After they examined 400-people from India - the country with the highest density of Facebook users - and created a "Selfitis Behaviour Scale," listing factors that trigger the condition.

Those triggers include:


Attention seeking.

And Social competition.

The finds have been published in the International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction and says: "As with internet addiction, the concepts of selfitis and selfie addiction started as a hoax, but recent research including the present paper has begun to empirically validate its existence."

Experts say the study will help understanding of "human-computer interaction across mobile electronic devices".

It also argues selfie-taking might evolve and become more advanced as technology progresses. many selfies are on your camera roll right now?

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