'Murdered' journalist apologis...


'Murdered' journalist apologises to wife after turning up alive

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

05:05 31 May 2018

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This guy has some major grovelling to do!

Some men can't go anywhere without asking their wives, and then there are other men who stage their own death without even mentioning it to their wives.

On Tuesday, a Russian journalist was reported dead as part of a plan that Ukrainian officials fabricated to prevent his real murder.

Sounds crazy? That’s probably because it is.

The Guardian reported that Arkady Babchenko was brutally murdered in his own home, and was subsequently discovered by his wife.

The truth is that he staged his own death without even telling his family (including his young daughter Yekaterina) because the Ukraine Security Service thought that the Russian intelligence services wanted to kill him.

The journalist pretended to be dead for just over 12 hours without informing any of his family or friends of his plan.

He then proceeded to arrive at his own press conference last night, where he eventually apologised to his wife for not telling her:

"Olechka, I am sorry, but there were no options here."

Babchenko was targeted by Russian intelligence after he fled Russia because he was considered as anti-Kremlin and "unpatriotic".

He wrote an article after a plane carrying the Russian military choir crashed, reminding his readers that Russia:

"...was indiscriminately bombing Aleppo, without recognising that dozens of children were dying in those bombs, their photographs making their way around the world."

He also called Russia "an aggressor".

What would you do if you were his wife?!

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