JUST when you thought the dating game couldn't get any more complicated... BOOM... You've been 'mosted.'
"Wait, don't you mean ghosted?" No my friend, alas not.
You've heard of ghosting, you've heard of breadcrumbing, benching and shaveducking (or maybe not because honestly, who can keep up?) but mosting is the hottest new dating trend to hit the online world and boy does it make us despair.
As opposed to your standard 'ghost' where you're chatting online to someone and all seems well before they disappear off the face of the virtual world, with mosting, everything is wonderful. You both seem absolutely smitten, sure they virtually proposed to you on your first date. Then one day you're met with silence. They're gone without explanation and you're left alone and heartbroken.
According to MEL Magazine, one girl experienced mosting to the extreme. A guy she'd been dating for a while was showering her with compliments. He told her “you’ve got a beautiful smile, you're smart, funny, creative." She thought he was the one. Then one day he disappeared and she never saw him again. No explanation. Just gone.
It's a tough world out there. We reckon we're safer at home with our cats. Take care of your heart during this season of love (or lack thereof.) And remember, you always have us!
Cover image via: Pinterest