Liam Gallagher may have tried...


Liam Gallagher may have tried to reunite Oasis without Noel

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

03:58 8 Jan 2018

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Liam Gallagher dropped a bombshell on Oasis fans today, when he revealed he attempted to reform the original Oasis line-up without his brother Noel, however the others members didn’t want to be involved.

The allegations came to light after one of Liam's Twitter followers tweeted the following: “If the old crew from Oasis first line-up wanted to reform with just you, would you?”

To which the rock star responded: “I did ask them and they weren’t up for it.”

Intriguingly, original band member Paul Arthurs also weighed in on the discussion, inferring he perhaps hadn't received such an offer from Liam.

Paul tweeted: 'Ahem.......'

What does that mean!

Ah lads can all this just end! We can't take it anymore.

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