'Judgement Free Zone?' Man arr...


'Judgement Free Zone?' Man arrested for doing naked yoga at public gym


11:40 24 Jul 2018

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This man's definition of a 'judgement free zone' is very different to the majority of us...

A man who was arrested for stripping naked before working out at a New Hampshire gym, has told police officers that he thought he was in a “Judgement Free Zone.” 

Local network NECN reports 34-year-old Eric Stagno, of Haverhill, Massachusetts, has been charged with indecent exposure, lewdness and disorderly conduct on Sunday for taking off his clothes and exercising at 'Plaistow Planet Fitness.'

Police say Mr Stagno reportedly walked back and forth and started doing poses on a yoga mat.

He allegedly referenced Planet Fitness’ slogan that it is a “Judgement Free Zone.”

The naked offender is free on bail and is scheduled to reappear in Plaistow District Court on Sept. 21.

Mr. Stagno himself has reportedly declined offers from various media to comment o the issue.

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