Having made the difficult decision to split at the Beach Club, Sam and Georgia are about to face the consequences of their actions, when news of another recoupling hits the villa.
With both struggling to move on from one another and pursue new relationships, can they really put the brakes on their romance for good?
Having reluctantly persisted in getting to know Stephanie and new boy Josh respectively, Sam and Georgia’s worst fears are confirmed when a text arrives declaring the inevitable:
Islanders, tonight there will be a recoupling. Georgia and Sam will pick first. The remaining boys will then choose who they want to couple up with #freshstart #bagabae
Sharing a candid moment together, Georgia admits she’s finding it hard to detach herself from Sam:
“Basically I can’t go in a bed with Josh. I’d be lying in bed thinking ‘I hope Sam’s lying in bed thinking of me.’ I wouldn’t know if you are. I really, really like you.”
Elaborating further in the Beach Hut, Georgia reveals:
“It’s really hard knowing that Sam will be sharing a bed with another girl. I really didn’t think it would be like this. It’s the hardest test I’ve ever gone through, ever in my life.”
As he continues to struggle to put his feelings for Georgia to one side, Sam admits:
“I don’t think Georgia’s fully understood what is about to happen. This is the recoupling. It’s all well and good splitting up and being single and talking to other people but if the people we’ve been talking to is nothing like what we had, then what are we doing?”
Talking in the Beach Hut, Georgia prepares for the gut wrenching decision she is about to face:
“I’m really nervous for recoupling. It’s the first recoupling that I haven’t felt excitement. The boy I want to pick, I can’t pick. Awful.”
Can Sam and Georgia put their feelings for each other to one side?
Emotions run high for Stephanie when she realises she’s the last person to find out about new Jack and new Laura’s secret kiss the night before hand.
Oblivious to what has gone on the next morning, Stephanie chats to new Laura about her interest in Jack:
“I’ve been in a romantic way chatting to Jack and Sam the most. Jack’s get up and go and he’d keep you on your toes a little bit more and I just don’t know what at this point I’d be looking for more.”
Coy about what has really gone on between them, Laura reveals:
“Obviously Jack, I had some chats with him yesterday. I don’t know, we get on really well, it’s easy, it flows, we can just mess about. I don’t know, it’s hard.”
Explaining the reasons for her secrecy, Laura admits:
“I don’t think it’s my place to necessarily tell Steph that we’ve kissed, I think that’s up to Jack. I wouldn’t want to be the one to go round telling people if he doesn’t want people to know necessarily yet.”
It’s not long before news makes it way back to Stephanie though, after Dr Alex shares the news with Laura (Anderson).
“Do you know, I’m probably dropping a bombshell here. Do you know that Jack kissed Laura last night? Yeah, Jack apparently kissed Laura. I was a bit surprised.”
Laura responds:
“Oh my god I actually can’t believe Jack, he’s so vile.”
Disapproving of his actions, Laura retreats to the Beach Hut:
“I just have all these negative feelings towards him. He’s really grating on me, I’m just glad I’m not involved. Honestly, good luck to any girl who’s got to deal with that.”
Seizing her opportunity during a one on one with Stephanie, Laura then spills the beans:
“I take it you know. That Jack kissed Laura. Last night.”
Stunned by what she is hearing, Stephanie expresses her disappointment:
“Why has no one told me? Oh my God. Sneaky! He said to me, he was like ‘you are really, really attractive, you are my type, I do want to get to know you more and stuff’ but I just think if that’s true then why kiss someone so soon? If you’re getting to know people equally you get to know them equally. You don’t just go and get with someone but then say ‘Oh I still want to get to know you.’ He knows that we both fancy him and I think he’s lapping that up. He really is.”
When Laura questions Stephanie on whether new Laura should have been the one to tell her, Stephanie responds:
“Massively, I would have told her straight away. When we’ve sat down and spoke I’ve made it very clearly that I like Sam and I like Jack. She said the same but she said more like ‘obviously I do like Jack and obviously he’s good looking but I’m not ruling out Alex either.’ Well you kind of just have.”
Speaking to the Beach Hut, Stephanie’s emotions begin to get the better of her:
“I don’t feel annoyed about the kiss whatsoever because we’ve been in here a few days, Laura’s in the exact same position as I am. The one thing I was p***** off about is that everyone knew except me. I’m a very approachable person. I feel like I’m going to cry, I don’t know why. I actually don’t know why I’m crying, I just feel mugged off. Everyone knew except me. I’m just so embarrassed.”
Shortly afterwards, new Jack finally decides to tell Stephanie, unaware of the fact that she already knows what he is about to say:
Jack - “I haven’t not purposely spoken to you or purposely spoken to Laura, it’s just the way it’s happened but me and Laura have been getting on quite well.”
Stephanie - “I know you kissed.”
Jack - “I actually wanted to be the one to tell you that.”
Stephanie - “So you just waited the whole day to tell me.”
Jack - “I wanted to tell you first thing in the morning, I wanted to tell Alex as well. I wanted to let you know because I didn’t think it would be fair to…”
Determined to give Jack a piece of her mind, Stephanie vents:
“Babe I’m not bothered about the kiss. I feel mugged off because when were either of you going to call me and tell me. You’ve had all day to do that. I just think you’re being disingenuous.”
Still dismayed by new Laura’s lack of loyalty towards her, Stephanie tells the Beach Hut:
“I’m not mugged off about them kissing, I’m just mugged off because Laura was the person I walked in here with, and she hasn’t looked at me all day. I’m not even upset, I don’t want anyone to think I’m crying because of the kiss because I’m actually happy for them if they get on. Like, congrats, I hope I get invited to the wedding, do you know what I mean?”
Paul is thrown straight into the centre of the drama around the latest recoupling as he faces a big decision between Laura (Anderson) and Alexandra. Pondering over the two girls, Paul starts the day by coming clean to Dr Alex about the potential spark developing between him and Alexandra.
During a conversation, Alex questions him on his feelings towards Alexandra:
“I’ve got to tell you, I’ve been chatting to Laura. She definitely fancies you. It seemed to be, can I guess that it’s between Alexandra and Laura, is that fair?”
Paul candidly admits:
“Yeah, I wanted to talk to you about that because for me that wasn’t even, I hadn’t even thought about the Alexandra possibility. She told me that she was interested in me, and I’m flattered and it’s nice but it changes your thought process. But I have said to her she’s a beautiful girl, I would like to get to know her, but I’m absolutely no way going to do that until you and Alex have spoken about it.”
Alexandra is also setting her sights on Paul, as she tells the Beach Hut:
“The situation with Paul…whatever will be will be, I just need to be myself today. Just be fun, flirty, I just have to let him see the best side of me.”
On his own feelings towards Alexandra, Paul remains non-committal as he opens up in the Beach Hut:
“We are attracted to each other, it’s difficult because I’ve got Laura… I am interested in her. If I had to choose between one of them at this very moment…I don’t know.”
With Laura also intent on pursuing Paul, she admits the situation may have driven a wedge between her and Alexandra:
“I’ve kind of noticed, last night I didn’t feel like maybe me and Alexandra were hanging out as much. You know when you know that someone doesn’t actually look at you. Nothing’s even happened yet but I think she was just feeling a bit competitive.”
With the recoupling just hours away, Paul admits to Wes and Josh that he is no closer to making a decision:
“I don’t think anyone can call it. The decision if I do make, it then has to go with I’ve made that decision and then I want to go with it and I really want to get to know them. This decision tonight needs to be final.”
Back in the Beach Hut, Paul admits it’s likely to go down to the wire:
“First recoupling! I’m literally just the biggest dilemma today. The more I talk to Laura, the more I like her. But I speak to Alexandra and she is a typical type for me. It’s just an interesting one, I think to the last second I’m still not going to be able to make my choice.”
Meanwhile Laura and Alexandra take the time to chat about the situation, with Laura telling Alexandra:
“I did not see this coming. Whatever happens. We just never want a boy to come between our friendship. We just need to suck it up and again we don’t even know what’s going to happen. If he couples up with you, I will massively take that as ‘me and him weren’t meant to be’ so I won’t dwell on it. I’ve done it before, I can do it again. So good luck to both of us. We think we both want him, but whatever will be, will be what’s right for us.”
With the recoupling looming, it looks like whatever Paul decides he’ll be breaking someone’s heart.
Love Island, back on 3e at 9.30pm