Heavy drinkers are the world's...


Heavy drinkers are the world's smartest people, according to study


11:24 19 Jul 2018

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The study found those with a college degree were twice as likely to drink heavily

Do you enjoy the odd beer or glass of wine... followed by another? Then you’re apparently one of the smarter people in the world.

That is according to a years-long study from the London School of Economics.

The school recently revealed research which suggested those who drink often are more intelligent than their non-drinking counterparts.

Researchers followed thousands of people born in Britain during one specific week and analyzed both their daily drinking habits as well as their level of intelligence by conducting routine questionnaires at various periods throughout their lives.

After comparing the data, they discovered those with a college degree were twice as likely to drink heavily in comparison to those who had a lower level of education.

“The better-educated appear to be the ones who engage the most in problematic patterns of alcohol consumption,” stated the report.

This study isn't the first to find similar results, as findings from the National Child Development Study in addition to research analysis completed by a group of Finnish researchers have also discovered similar patterns.

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