FIFA tells broadcasters to sto...


FIFA tells broadcasters to stop picking out "hot women" at games

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

06:51 12 Jul 2018

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Football's governing body is cracking down on TV broadcasters zooming in on attractive women in the crowd at games.

It's part of its efforts to tackle sexism in the sport.

Anti-discrimination group Fare Netork has been working with FIFA to monitor behaviour at the tournament in Russia, and it's said that sexism has been the biggest issue.

FIFA's diversity boss, Federico Addiechi, said it's instructed broadcasters to put an end to cutaways of "hot women".

Speaking at a press conference, he said it's necessary:

"This is one of the activities that we definitely will have in the future - it's a normal evolution.

We have done it on a case-by-case basis when some cases arose and they were pretty evident.

We've done it with individual broadcasters. We've done it as well with our host broadcast services."

Fare Network have "documented more than 30 cases" of women being "accosted in the streets" by male fans in Russia.

However, the group believes the real number is likely to be "10 times this".

There have been several cases of female journalists being grabbed or kissed while reporting on the streets.

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FIFA Sexism Soccer Sport World Cup 2018