Didn't receive a Valentine's c...


Didn't receive a Valentine's card? These ants did!

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

03:51 14 Feb 2018

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A colony of ants have received what's reported to be the world's smallest Valentine's Day card.

The leaf-cutter ants were gifted the tiny hearts, which are just 3mm wide and 5mm tall, at Hunstanton Sea Life Sanctuary in the UK.

Herpetologist Ally Sharp made the rice paper love letters for the ants, as part of a programme to maintain their foraging instincts.

The ants will carry the hearts back to the nest where they'll use them to create compost, feeding their fungus gardens, which they will use for food.

Speaking to Lynn News, Ally said: "We believe the 5mm heart is the smallest Valentine’s Day card ever to be delivered – we’ve had a good look online and can’t find evidence of a smaller one. We’ve found one that is a bit bigger than a 10 pence piece but ours is far smaller than that.”

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Animals Ants Insects Quirky The Lift Valentine Valentines Day