Bloggers Unveiled deletes acco...


Bloggers Unveiled deletes account

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

03:53 1 Aug 2018

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"The baying for blood makes me sick."

The person behind the anonymous Instagram account Bloggers Unveiled has removed themselves from the social media platform.

A statement was posted earlier today and the account was subsequently deleted.

It was set up in January to call out questionable practices amongst influencers and to highlight the lack of transparency in the blogging industry.

It quickly gathered a huge following, with 223,000 followers before it was deleted.

However, it was criticised after some bloggers received abuse and harassment.

This morning, Bloggers Unveiled said they don't want to be involved anymore as "things have taken a nasty, toxic, vindictive and unhealthy turn".

It comes after a 29-year-old beautician was accused of running the page.

The Times on Sunday reported that the Offaly woman had received death threats.

Bloggers Unveiled said they don't want "someone’s blood" on their hands.

In their last post, they wrote:

"Things have taken a nasty, toxic, vindictive and unhealthy turn. This page is not something I want to be involved in anymore."

"I'm removing myself from all of this. The baying of blood makes me sick. What a shame that it had to come to this."

"I feel bad for everyone involved in this clusterf**k that has been created, but I do not want someone's blood on my hands."

"Thanks once again and take care."

Update - PODCAST

Dave Duke spoke to John Mooney - investigative Journalist with The Sunday Times.
John interviewed the Offaly woman that has been accused of being the person behind Bloggers Unveiled.
On the day that BU disappeared off Instagram (31/07/18) John spoke to the Hub on iRadio about the rumours, the bullsh*t and why it has created such a stir.

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