Author argues that Rachel shou...


Author argues that Rachel should have been with Joey and it'll make you rethink everything

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

03:54 9 Aug 2017

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This FRIENDS theory will change your view on the show forever.

Let's be honest, you were either on the Ross boat or you weren't.

Their relationship had it's ups and downs, but it was always tainted with the "We Were On A Break" shadow.

Some FRIENDS fans felt it was wrong for the writers to cut Joey's brief relationship with Rachel so quickly.

Twitter user @kaneandgriffin started a 100-thread tweet last night, outlining all the reasons Rachel should have been with Joey, and there are more than you'd think.

To be honest it felt a bit like a Leaving Cert character analysis, but looking at the show from that point of view only makes this more interesting.

The key points? Joey and Rachel were always really good, genuine friends. Ross never saw her like that: he constantly was in pursuit of her.

Here's a selection of the tweets, but if you're a hardcore FRIENDS fan, you'll definitely enjoy the full thread which you can read here 

She then went on to argue that Rachel deserved someone who understood how important her career was to her.

Cover image via Screener

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