Want a storm named after you?...


Want a storm named after you? Now's your chance

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

03:26 30 Jul 2019

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Stormy McStormface anyone?

Have a housemate who's a bit on the wild side? Maybe your sister has the temperment of a thundercloud?

Well now's your chance to mark that. Met Éireann is asking people to vote for the names of storms in the future.

It has launched the search with the UK Met Office and the Dutch weather forecasting service.

Weather experts say giving storms specific names makes it easier to report on them, and it raises awareness of weather warnings. Over 10,000 names were received when ‘Name our Storms’ was first introduced in 2015.

You can send your suggestions using the hashtag #IrishStormNames on Twitter or email Met Eireann at [email protected].

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