50% rise in third level studen...


50% rise in third level students seeking help for mental health issues

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

12:26 17 Jun 2019

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The amount has doubled since 2010 according to findings. 

Nearly 12,000 third level students sought help for mental health problems within the past year, according to figures to new figures from the Psychological Counsellors in Higher Education. 

An alarming statistic given that's double the amount who attended counselling in 2010. 

Half of all referrals were for anxiety, while there's also been an increase in the number of students needing help for self-harm and identity issues. 

Those with disabilities and international or non-Irish students were more likely to seek college counselling.

Counsellors say anxiety problems can involve a range of issues, such as social anxiety, panic attacks, acute stress, worrying and isolation.

In Ireland there's one counsellor for every 2,600 students. 

However that number is seen as low as international best practice recommends one counsellor for every 1,000-1,500 students.

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