Smartwatches linked to spike i...


Smartwatches linked to spike in cheating on college exams

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

01:44 8 Aug 2019

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Most universities prohibit the devices.

Smartwatches are being linked to a spike in cheating on college exams.

Most third level institutions prohibit the use of devices such as Apple Watches and Fitbits.

NUI Galway has recorded an increase in the amount of breaches of exam regulations, jumping from 56 last year to 83 so far this year. The University says the use of smartwatches- which are banned from exam halls was a common breach.

However not all cases of students caught with a device, were cheating or had an intention to cheat. The Irish Times reports that the third levels institutions feel wearable devices are becoming a significant issue and are difficult to police in a crowded exam halls as the look like regular watches.

The problem has prompted many universities and ITs to ban smartwatches from exam halls altogether.

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