Number of Likes on Insta Posts...


Number of Likes on Insta Posts To Be Hidden From Followers

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

09:26 1 May 2019

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If you've ever felt like a bit of a loser after receiving only a few likes for your instagram post, well there's good on the way from the Facebook/Instagram HQ.

Sweeping changes to  Instagram  will no longer show followers how many likes a post has got, while it'll also be possible to share content without a photo or video. Instagram has said the 'private likes' will be rolled out first in Canada at F8, Facebook’s annual developers conference.

Good News For Privacy - Bad News For Influencers

The owner of the instagram account will still be able to view their likes count and access their own metrics but the view count will not be viewable to the public. This could be a disaster for influencers who depend on public view counts to show off their ability to promote products. 

Image via Pixabay

Bye Bye Blue Facebook

Facebook is getting rid of its blue branding and Messenger will be end-to-end encrypted which means Facebook won't be able to read your private messages. A WhatsApp secure payment service is also in the works to be rolled out later in the year. 


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