49% of adults think Paddy's Da...


49% of adults think Paddy's Day parades abroad are better than ones here, survey finds

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

04:57 3 Mar 2022

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Less than 2 weeks away.

St Patrick's Day is creeping up on us.

And after 2 years without full blown parades and celebrations, we're expecting a good one this year.

Not to mention the fact that we're being given an extra day off on March 18th this year.

But some statistics have been gathered that show we are not too impressed with Paddy's Day parades here.

According to research by iReach, 49% of adults think Paddy's Day parades abroad are better than ones here.

(Photo: Pixabay)

Despite that, we're quite happy with the fact that there is such a great presence of St Patrick's Day around the world.

The study found that 82% of adults are proud that St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated around the world and 66% think the holiday portrays Ireland in a positive way.

However, the study also found that 69 per cent of adults believe St Patrick's Day feeds into the stereotypes of drinking.

The iReach survey shows 42 per cent of us think we drink far too much alcohol on March 17th.

While over half (53%) of respondents think St. Patrick’s Day is too commercialised these days.

iReach get their statistics using a Consumer Decisions Research Panel of 40,000 members in Ireland.

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