Domestic violence victim


Domestic violence victim "takes back her silence"


12:05 14 Apr 2019

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"My silence empowered him..."

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A victim of domestic violence has spoken publicly about the injuries she suffered - in order to ''take back her silence''.

Kerrie Gamble went public in the Irish Independent this weekend, with pictures of the injuries she received in 2016.

Her attacker, Barry O'Donoghue, of Mourne Road, Drimnagh in Dublin, was jailed for five years on Friday for assault and threatening to kill Ms. Gamble.

She says speaking out publicly is a way of conquering her fear;

"My silence empowered him to keep going with that. and I just thought I live with fear every single day and I can never get rid of that.

But I just thought I can get rid of the silence, I can take back my silence by releasing these photos..."


Ms. Gamble also praised the authorities for helping to secure a conviction for her attacker.

She says Gardaí worked tirelessly on the case;

"They were absolutely fantastic. Sundrive Garda Station and especially Garda Keith O'Brien.

He's put in countless, countless hours. You wouldn't believe the paperwork that's involved in this kind of case.

Their support throughout this has been absolutely fantastic."

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Domestic Violence Gardai Kerrie Gamble