Danny Healy Rae Wants The Army...


Danny Healy Rae Wants The Army To Deal With The Deer In Kerry

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

04:41 26 Mar 2019

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Oh deer.

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A TD has called for the army to come to Kerry to deal with deer.

Danny Healy Rae reckons the animals are 'taking over the place' in The Kingdom.

He says the deer are roaming into towns and villages and causing accidents.

His brother Michael previously called for the army to deal with a rhododendron problem in the county.

"When the deer do damage and damage a car and people are injured or fatally end up dead as a result of these accidents, which has happened, no one does anything about it," he told The Dail today.

"Will ye call out the army?"

"Will ye do something to make our roads safe around Kerry because the deer have taken over?"

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Danny Healy Rae Deer Kerry