And it's just about everything you'd expect it to be.
In case you were unaware, a sequel to the cult classic Sasha Baron Cohen film Borat has been filmed in secret.
And you wont have to wait too long at all to watch it, as it'll start streaming on Amazon Prime on October 23rd 2020.
It'll be called Borat: Gift of Pornographic Monkey to Vice Premiere Mikhael Pence to Make Benefit Recently Diminished Nation of Kazakhstan, quite a mouthful.
A full length trailer will be released tomorrow, but for now we have this 45-second teaser to tide us over.
It features Borat trying to do promo for his new film on a greenscreen, and it appears he even attempst to get rid of Covid-19 with a frying pan (why has nobody else thought of that yet?!).
According to Collider, the plot for the film revolves around Borat "thinking he’s a big movie star after the success of the original 2006 film made him famous, so he’s trying to hide from the public by pretending to be someone else, and starts meeting and interviewing people incognito."
Meanwhile it was reported by Deadline that Sacha Baron Cohen had to wear a bulletproof vest for two days of shooting, as his undercover filming put him in genuine danger, now that's dedication to staying in character.