This Is The Average Age Irish...


This Is The Average Age Irish People Get Married

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

05:25 10 Apr 2019

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People in Monaghan are getting married younger.

Image via Pixabay

Irish brides and grooms are getting older. That's according to new statistics published today.

The CSO stats show the average age of grooms and brides in 2018 was 36.4 years and 34.4 years, respectively.

People in Monagahan had the youngest average age at 34.5 for grooms and 32.5 years for brides. Meanwhile, Wicklow had the oldest couples tying the knot at 38.3 years for grooms and 36.3 years for brides.

The groom was older than the bride in 62.5% of marriages.

The CSO figures also showed that 230 people aged under 20 got married in Ireland last year, while 760 people were aged 60 or above.

The most popular time of year to get married was in the summer months. August was once again the most popular month, followed by July, with January the least favourite.

Fridays and Saturdays were most likely to be picked as the wedding day but Sundays and Mondays were least popular.

The single most popular date for weddings in 2018 was Saturday 4th August.

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