3 Simple Tips For Maintaining...


3 Simple Tips For Maintaining Good Mental Health During Exams

Jonathan Duane
Jonathan Duane

09:37 5 Jun 2019

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The annual state exams kicks off today with over 59,656 students entered for the Leaving Cert, including over 2700 students who will be taking the alternative programme, known as the Leaving Cert applied. 

These weeks can put students under a lot of pressure and they are also being reminded to look after their mental health this exam season. Samaritans Deputy Regional Director, Theresa Bell, says stress and anxiety can become too much some times and that it's important that students talk about any problems they're having and always remember to keep things in perspective.

Top tips to help relieve stress during exam time

Here are the top 3 tips for maintaining good mental health and relieving stress during exam season.

Tip 1: Eat Well


Whilst sugary drinks and chocolate can provide a temporary boost in energy, students would benefit more slower releasing sugars that you can find in fruit which also keep dehydration at bay.  Another  natural source of energy can be gotten from dried fruit and nuts. 


Tip 2: Sleep Well

We are all tempted to burn the midnight oil but lack of sleep will make your brain foggy and make memory retrieval more difficult. Nothing beats a good night's sleep. Also, try to leave smartphones out of the bedroom at nighttime to ensure a good night's sleep!


Tip 3: Take Breaks 

The process of trying to maintain concentration for long periods of intensive studying can lead to the mind and body becoming tired more quickly. To keep a high level of focus, take regular breaks (whether you have a kit kat is up to you!) and remember. . . it'll be grand.



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